Montana Park
Visit us for a chat and a coffee. We will send a location pin on request.
We improve the way businesses and individuals present themselves online, allowing for better exposure in a very competitive market.
25+ years of experience
in website development
We supply a range of website development, digital marketing, and content management services, using contract programmers where required. A successful website focuses on your core business, and we properly market your site for maximum exposure on social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. We then continuously maintain and manage its content.
We specifically offer proofreading services for those completing assignments and dissertations for graduate and post-graduate studies.
[ Why you should let us proofread your work... ]
Our focus is on three areas – website development, digital online marketing, and content management.
A website should reflect your business accurately. It must
We use only pure HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to design our content. Our code is compact, without any unnecessary elements, ensuring your site loads as fast as the connection allows. Content deemed not necessary to convey the essential message is removed.
Many businesses have over-the-top corporate websites which are rarely visited or just do not return valuable results, making them an expensive overhead.
Ask yourself this: Why do I have a website for my business? What do I offer the public? Your website should reflect your core product or service, no less and no more.
When the site works and generates interest for the core product or service, it has achieved its aim. We use PHP/MySql for database development, and a range of scripting languages such as JavaScript and others to achieve what the client needs.
All websites need ongoing maintenance. One of the things we do is to always be on the lookout for ways to reduce the amount of code needed by using newer technologies. Newer source code is used to improve on existing code. Very often our clients are not even aware that we have improved parts of their websites. Getting the client's website to function is our resonsibility. Doing business through the website is theirs.
Your website cannot operate in a vacuum. As such, we focus on the following platforms to market your website:
These are three very different platforms, each offering its own unique way of promoting your business. You need all three of them to ensure maximum exposure. At the end of the day however, your own mouth is the best marketing tool. Even here we will assist you in gaining more targeted followers.
First, we take your existing website and do a full migration of your website into a Word document. This document is kept as an easy-to-read version of your website. From there, the information is broken down into smaller chunks, which will be used to create posts on social media. These posts will go out on your various social media platforms (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.). A content library will also be created to match the information being shared.
The content will then be sent for approval to the client. On approval, the schedule will be determined, based on the number of posts which have been created. This can range from one to three months, or more. The content will then be scheduled to be published on these days.
We require the latest information relating to their services and products, as well as the latest images. A meeting will be held with the client to discuss the web migration, allowing for the client’s input into the posting schedule. Approval will be sought on the content and image library being used.
The business focuses on providing professional advice, but this is dependent on the client supplying us with the required information. Once the client has supplied a needs requirement, we will endeavour to meet this within the allotted time and budget, and within the required specifications.
Finally, we connect you to the right businesses, individuals, and entities by running a targeted followers campaign to link you to people that work in your industry, or where we believe your business will gain the most attraction. Expect to find more people on LinkedIn wishing to connect with you. Most of these result in interest generated in our product or service, the start of great relationships.
We assist in writing content, focusing objectively on the message, stripping it from unnecessary fluff. We
Thus, we ensure people actually read and understand what it is you do. TL;DR – "Too long; didn't read" – content is common. Do not bore your audience with unnecessary information. The less they need to read, the more likely they will read. Your audience is also put off by content errors. We ensure this does not happen.
Whether we like it or not, and no matter how well we proofread content, changes will always be required. Your business's focus could have shifted. Maybe your product or service specifications have changed. These need to be updated. Has your company recently made a big directional change? The public in general, and your clients specifically, need to know about it. If you are a post-graduate student, contact us so that we can proofread your dissertation or assignment. [ More information on our proofreading services... ]
We write, edit, revise, paraphrase, and change until the wording is just right.
We embrace change and go along with current trends in web design.
Newer technology allows us to do things that were not possible before. Clients may have specific requirements, sometimes really weird ones, but the available technology makes it possible. Responsive tables are examples, where we had to design a really nifty solution to make a table with a lot of content work on mobile devices. Sometimes the solutions are barely noticeable but still important. A client had the requirements to write the name of super group of the eighties, ABBA, as ABBA. It was easy to do and looks classy.
For mobile devices, icons are visual cues that can be tapped to facilitate navigation.
You cannot control content on a mobile device's screen the way you can on a desktop. Thus, we have to look at ways to make it easier to navigate the mobile versions. We ensure that where possible, recognisable icons replace text to make it easier to interact with the interface.
In addition, we write code that allow screen readers and other assistive technologies to understand what the website wants to say. Screen readers are software applications that use the HTML code of websites to understand what the site is all about. They then read the information to visually or cognitively impaired persons. This requires that the HTML code is written correctly. This is called semantic HTML where the HTML elements must convey the type of information they contain. Not all of our site were developed with this in mind and we regularly update client sites to include this functionality.
Mobile devices are popular but cause reader fatigue. We design with these devices in mind.
We first design around the constraints of mobile devices. If the content looks good here, then we know that it will work well on fixed devices such as laptops and desktops. While we cannot always control the conditions in which mobile devices are used, such as excessive sunlight or near darkness, we can ensure that the site displays well.
Every page we create is passed through the W3C Validator to ensure it is HTML5 compliant.
Traditional programmers learnt to code effectively. The less code to achieve a certain outcome, the better. We started with HTML and CSS long before there were sloppy machine-code generated apps. We write our code by hand. Of course, we have repositories of code that works and can be used again, which saves time.
One of the first things I learnt is that every bit of code must be validated with the W3C (World Wide Web) specifications. If a site's HTML pages have been validated and a certain browser still renders the content in a less than acceptable way, it is the fault of the browser, not the source code.
Our websites can be viewed on all platforms – desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
All of our websites are fully responsive. This means they will work on mobile devices in both portrait and landscape modes. Of course in certain cases it is not always possible to get the layout perfect. Nevertheless, we try to ensure optimum viewability. In many cases where we use an image in landscape mode on a main page, for a mobile device in portrait mode, we will switch to a portrait mode image.
Since there are so many different mobile devices, it may happen from time to time that a site does not show exactly the way we planned. It must be understood that the @media queries used for different device sizes assume the standard display. If you have decided to enlarge your read view, then these media quesries will not be able to render content is intended.
Because our code is validated by the W3C, our sites will work on all web browsers.
Our websites can be displayed on all modern browsers. We cannot always guarantee compatibility with old browsers though. Life and technology move on. We need to move along as well. Some web browsers, such as Edge and Internet Explorer are no longer maintained and thus we cannot ensure compaibility.
When was the last time your website was updated? Have you removed the photo of the employee who passed away? If your footer still says "© 2019", your email address has changed, and your brochure is ancient, then you are definitely not in control of your site, and you need us to do something about it right away.
Contact Us TodayHere are a few of our clients. Some are new, while with others we have had a long and successful association. Swipe through the list and click the logo to visit the website.
We offer the following web development, digital marketing, content management, and consulting services:
Only pure HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript code is used. PHP/MySql is used for backend development. All code is handwritten and we do not use machine-generated code.
While nowadays code can be generated to a certain degree using AI, the latter does not offer solutions. Savvy programmers first find solutions to problem situations and then they code to implement them. We maintain our clients' websites without their involvement and often without invoicing the client. This includes:
We connect you to the world out there through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, using automated content scheduling. You do not have to spend time managing your accounts anymore.
The various social media channels are your business's interaction with the world. We look out for:
Revising and rewriting content, shortening it to reflect only the core business, and proofreading it properly are essential skills employed. Most content writers overdo things, blurring the key focus.
Different times of the year or events that have occurred may require us to change content to suit the new circumstances:
We will send you a report indicating what we found. It is then up to the client to decide if they are going to pass this on to their web developer or get us to fix it for you.
Teaming up with other companies to provide various consulting services is part of our portfolio. We have completed projects in Europe and the most recent remote project was in East Africa.
Addressing specific client requirements includes the following:
Our prices are market-related and based on the complexity and duration of the task. With web development it depends on what the client needs and there will be cases where a smaller project is undertaken at less than what we specify below. Contact us for more information. Why is web development sometimes expensive? You are not necessarily paying for the time it takes us to do the work, but for the time it took us to acquire the skill setsto do the work for you. Very often the amount of time we invest is way more than what is invoiced as we are constantly in contact with your content, checking, rechecking, and revising.
We schedule content in advance in association with the client. Articles and other text, as well as graphics, are combined as articles, scheduled ahead of time, and posted exactly when the client requires. We recommend that the client signs up for a minimum of at last three months.
Our target platforms are:
This is the starting point for a fully functional website, depending on requirements, with specifications supplied in a detailed quotation. It excludes database-driven projects. We write our code by hand and the code is validated with the W3C for compliance.
Website features include:
As English grammar specialists we assist with proofreading of dissertations, post-graduate study writing, and formal internal and external business documentation. We also work with clients whose websites we did not design, but who still need their content changed or updated.
The main focus is:
Feel free to contact us for more information and assistance.
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Montana Park
Visit us for a chat and a coffee. We will send a location pin on request.
Phone Number
+27 (0)84 531-8046
In case the number appears not to be in use or the call does not go through, kindly send a WhatsApp message, and we will return the call.
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